20180328 build - kernel 3.10.72+ – daily usage – !FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR GAPPS!
20180401 build - kernel 3.10.72+ – daily usage (Audio Enhancements) – !FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FOR GAPPS!
0. Disclaimer
The usual stuff :
This package might be most suitable for experienced users but everybody is welcome to use it at his own risk.
Flashing / Rooting your phone and using software tools have risks indeed = if instructions aren't followed you can BRICK YOUR DEVICE. Therefore please read carefully all of the instructions & follow them if You choose to go on at your own risk.
If You don't understand the instructions stop & search on Google/Boards/XDA/etc. and / or ask for help.
All the mentioned software & tools belong to their respective owners/developers. Neither I nor the owners / developers are not to be held responsible if you damage or brick your device.
1. ROM Flashing
HNR-CM13 – CyanogenMOD 13 – Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow for AMOI L861 device (MT6795 – WQHD) – other known re-brands for such phone :
- STONEX ONE #Galileo – #DaVinci – #Dante
- Santin Dante – DaVinci – Marconi
Pre-Requirements :
- Start from a custom ROM already flashed on the device = FuelOS – PPOS – FlyMEOS . Such ROMs already include custom TWRP recovery 3.0.2 & have unified data storage (while stock firmware uses splitted-data partitioning).
Once ready enter TWRP recovery through ADB or using QuickReboot (requires root).
Once in TWRP :
- Mount System
- Advanced Wipe : Cache / System / Data
- Install zip (choose latest available package)
- Reboot & proceed with initial ROM setup
Then, follow GAPPS instructions to avoid "uncertified device" notice when setting up Google account / services = since March 16th Google has enforced its policies against non-certified devices, that use GAPPS without licensing rights and/or certification status (such as devices running custom roms).
2. GAPPS Installation / configuration :
After you have completed the initial configuration, reboot into TWRP recovery
Install the GAPPS package – you can use provided Full set of OpenGapps
Wipe Cache and Dalvik
Reboot the system
Install the provided DEVICE_ID.APK and run it
Copy the value of Google Service Framework (GSF)
Convert this HEX value to DEC, for example, using an online converter - https://www.binaryhexconverter.com/hex-to-decimal-converter
Open the browser ( on your smartphone or computer ) and go to https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/
- login with the same Google account, that You will use on your smartphone
Enter the DEC value and register. Refresh webpage in order to check everything ok (you'll see ID below).
Reboot your smartphone
Go to Settings Accounts and set up a Google Account
*** CREDITS *** .
- Andrea Conficoni (provider of main L861 device for custom ROMs' development & testing) .
- TRONX2100 (Henry) for his hard work & support during last 3 months
- bmv1510 (4PDA.ru) for camera / RIL patch
- lucky76 (TuttoAndroid.net – aka erlucky on XDA) for his kernel development .
- blyha (4PDA.ru) for his CM13 porting on PPTV King7 device .
- Team M.A.D. (XDA) for their CM13 porting on Elephone Vowney Lite device
- scafroglia93 (Lorenzo ORI) for his first contribution to L861 kernel sources
from ROMs https://ift.tt/2pWe00P
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