UleFone Power3S Custom Rom Ghost45 V3
Based Official Firmware:
Android 7.1.1
Version n: GQ3056MF2_HCS986A_ULEFONE_20180316_G14
-Based Android 7.1 Official
-Pre root with Busybox
- Xposed
-GravityBox (must be activated after the 3" Step Attention Please …supersu must be installed first )
- Recovery Twrp By Ghost45
- New melodies added
- mod for vodafone tethering
- New tricks and Several apps
- New navbar icons
- SuperSu must be installed after installed the custom rom through flashtool.
How Install The Custom Rom V1
1) Step
Download the new firmware.
Unzip the compressed file
Phone off without usb cable ….connected!
Run Flashtool version octa-core ….. select the file scatter,
and then check that all flags are selected
also check if in the menu in the top is selected firmware upgrade
and then push the button download (green arrow) in flashtool …… NOW ONLY CONNECT USB CABLE not before!
Wait for the end of the installation procedure of the firmware and eventually restart the phone!
This' whole simplified procedure for installing the original firmware.n progress…..
2) Step (Necessary)
This Step is to receive the right root at 100%
(in android 6 & 7 Chainfire have found one new exploit to receive right root correctly in one temporary partition )
1) reboot in android system after flashing process ..firmware in the step 1
2) So..copy in your exsternal SD card the file supersu xxx 2,82.zip
2) Restart the device in recovery (modded) run installing the compressed file and reboot in android system and you will find the supersu app and the right root .
3) Step
activate the gravitybox
and Xsana or xperia buttons for change menu icons
Many Thanks to:
The Great Needrom Admin SOCRATE
from ROMs https://ift.tt/2GtQMu7
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