Infinity Chinese Miracle-2 SPD/UniSoc v2.01 - UniReader Edition - Android 4-5-6-7-8-9
As ordinary, Infintiy Team continue to release unique and world-first software features, algorithms and methods.
- Core
Protocol updated
Alternate protocol support activated ( automatic switch depends on model )
- New Self-Learning engine for semi-supported devices !
In case of problem with device servicing - during identify session SW will make new database record
That record available from boot menu after that to use exactly for this device line
That will fix any incompatibility loader <-> device problems and remove any servicing issues
- Service
Identify - better structure detection, simlock state info
Identify - Userdata state detection optimized
Format FS - Forced Format revised
- Flasher
Optimized PAC handling
Optimized older device line support ( Sc7715-Sc9832 from SPRD )
NVManager updated - Identify, Security swap and verification, Recovery mode
Activated flashing of own FlashFile format files made by FWReader
- Firmware Reader activated!
Allow read ANY security level phone from Spreadtrum or UniSoc on almost all Android OS versions!
Support OLD SPRD line devices:
SC7715, SC7731, SC9820, SC9832, SC9850 and their revisions and modifications
Plain, Signed and RSA-enabled
Android 4, Android 5, Android 6, Android 7 lines are supported (higher versions were NOT released from SPRD)
Support NEW UniSoc line devices:
SC7731E,SC9832E,SC9863,SC9850,SC9820E and their revisions and modifications
Plain, Signed and RSA-enabled
Android 6, Android 7, Android 8, Android 9 lines are supported (lower versions were NOT released from UniSoc)
Arch32/Arch64 support
Support "SPRD"-like chipsets with Intel X86 arch
SC9853I and its modifications and revisions
Plain, Signed and RSA-enabled
Android 6, Android 7, Android 8 lines are supported
It is the only existing and complete solution ;)
Additional info:
Firmware use OWN format.
Firmware is COMPLETE one, allow to fix any sw-related state including FlashChip erase, change or complete SW rebuild
Unlike older SWReader version used in V1 line there is no need in bunch of additional re-connection operations or to make something special.
- Database:
New generic boots included, some boots updated
- Other
Bug fixes and some changes according users requests
- Known issues:
[1] UniSoc line is SLOW. It is VERY SLOW! Unlike SPRD ones, it consume x4-x5-x6 more time comparing to old SPRD.
We made almost all possible for now to speed it up. And that is limit for protocol.
In near time it should be some speed up to 20-30% but this solution still require some more time.
[2] UniSoc devices with ARB active may dead on wrong SW version flashing at Android 9 line.
We checking that issue and collecting samples. According users test and reports solution will follow.
[3] Some old devices after FW flashing may gone to "Encryption Unsuccessfull" state, right now - "ResetPhone" button enough.
[4] Sw will try always, in any case retrieve all device-side keys/security during flashing and identify, if they exists inside.
Much backups better, that nothing. Actual for devices with paired/signed security and/or active keybox.
[5] NAND devices on SC9820,SC7715,SC8830 not supported yet for FW reading
Discussion and download links are